


どーも、ゆうき(@engieerblog_Yu)です。 私は普段、Udemyで自分が購入して良かった記事を、ブログで紹介しているのですが、ある日突然A8.netでUdemyアフィリエイトができなくなりました。 ネットで調べてみ...
English pages

【Scraping(BeautifulSoup)】Automatically extract information from websites in Python

Hello, I'm Yuki (@engineerblog_Yu), a student engineer. People who hates troublesome things. People who want to ...


どーも、ゆうき(@engieerblog_Yu)です。 突然ですが、先日プラネタリウムに行った時の話です。 プラネタリウムの解説員の方が、3択問題を出していました。 「今まで人類で火星に行ったのは何人でしょうか?」 ...
English pages

【Python(Automation)】How to do web scraping using Selenium

Hi, I'm Yuki (@engineerblog_Yu), a student engineer. Are you interested in getting a scraping project in Python? ...
English pages

On surrogate models using PINNs (Physics-Informed Neural Networks)

Hello, I am Yuki (@engieerblog_Yu), who is doing research using surrogate models in the Visualization Laboratory. In...
English pages

【OpenCV】How to convert png/jpg format images to mp4 video files in Python

Hello, I'm Yuki (@engieerblog_Yu), studying data science in the Visualization Laboratory. This time, I had a chance ...
English pages

【OpenCV・Numpy】Calculate the L1-norm mean and L1-norm variance of RGB images

Hello, I'm Yuki (@engieerblog_Yu), a data science student in the Visualization Laboratory. This time, I had a chance...

【OpenCV】the similarity of images using the AKAZE detector

Hello, this is Yuki (@engineerblog_Yu), a student engineer. The image above shows 100 feature points plotted by ...
English pages

【Python】NetworkX which draws networks in a diagram

Hello, this is Yuki (@engineerblog_Yu), a student engineer. Those who have finished learning the basics of Python. ...
English pages

【kivy】How to create a Python application easily with just copy and paste

Hello, this is Yuki (@engineerblog_Yu), a student engineer. This article is about how to create a simple application...